Maharashtra Solar Pump Yojana Apply | Atal Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme 2023 | Pump Scheme | Saur Krushi Pump Yojana Form |Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana |Maharashtra Chief Minister Solar Agricultural | CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme

Maharashtra CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme 2023 is a government scheme to provide solar pumps to the farmers of Maharashtra for irrigation of their fields. The scheme aims to replace the diesel and electricical pumps by solar pumps to reduce pollution in the environment and also they are cheaper in costs. The scheme also offers a 95% subsidy on the cost of the solar pumps for the eligible farmers.
In this article, I will provide you with all the details about the Maharashtra CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme 2023 such as its benefits, eligibility criteria, application process, status check, contact details and more.
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What Is Maharashtra Saur Krushi Yojana 2024
Farmers can get free solar pumps from the state government The solar pumps use the sun’s energy to water the crops. The government has a plan called Atal Solar Farm Pump Plan. The plan will give 1 lakh solar pumps to farmers in 3 years by the state government. The government will announce the names of the lucky farmers by 31 January 2019. The solar pumps will be installed from February 2019. If you are a farmer and you want a solar pump, you can apply online on the plan’s website Don’t miss this chance to get a free solar pump from the government.
Overview Of The Scheme
Name of the scheme | Maharashtra CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme 2024 |
Launched by | Maharashtra Government |
Beneficiaries | Farmers of Maharashtra |
Objective | To provide solar pumps for irrigation |
Subsidy | 95% of the cost of the pump |
Official website | |
The Main Motive Of The CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme
. The state government who lead the state have a plan to help these people who grows food. The plan is called Maharashtra Chief Minister Solar Farm Pump Plan. This plan will give machines that run on sun (solar machines) to the people who grow food in Maharashtra. Machines that run on sun use the light and heat from the sun to get water. The people who lead the state will pay for most of the money for the machines that run on solar energy. The person who grows food will pay only a little money. People who get machines that run on sun from Maharashtra Sun Machine Plan 2023 will give more money to the scheme implementation. So the farmers will not have to buy costly machines from the shop. Machines which are solar will also not hurt the air and land and the are eco friendly machines.
How To Register On CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme
Farmers in the state who want to join Maharashtra Solar Pump Plan 2023 should do these steps.
- First, the farmer has to go to the Official Website

- When the farmer goes to the website, the main page will show up.
- On this main page, the farmer will see Beneficiary Services.
- The farmer has to click on this. Then the farmer has to click on New Consumer .

- After clicking on this, a form will show up.
- Applicant has to fill in all the details in the form like name, address, location, nearest MSEDCL consumer number, etc.

- Cadet also has to upload all their papers.
- After filling in everything, the farmer has to click on submit application.
- This will finish the sign up.
Some points to remember are:
- Farmer should fill in the form carefully and correctly.
- The farmer should check if they are eligible for the plan before signing up.
- Applier should keep a copy of their application for future reference.
Required Documents
- Aadhaar card number
- Land district
- Land taluka
- Land village
- Land survey number
- Land area in hectare
- Land ownership proof
- Bank account details
- Mobile number
- Email ID
Procedure To view Saur Krishi Status
The applicants can check the status of their application for the Maharashtra CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme 2023 by following these steps:
- First of all visit the official website of MahaVitaran (Mahadiscom) at
- After that Click on “Application Status” under “Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana” section.
- Now you need to enter your application number or Aadhaar number and click on “Search“.
- Then the status of your application will be displayed on the screen.
Login To The CM Solar Krushi Scheme
- Go to the website of Maharashtra Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana.

- You will see a home page.

- On the home page, look for “Beneficiary Services”. Click on it and choose “Track Application Status”.
- You will see a new page. Enter your “Beneficiary ID” and click on Search.
- You will see another new page. This page will show you how your application is going.
- This is how you can check your application status.
Eligibility Criteria Of Cm Saur Krushi
- .This plan is for farmers who live in Maharashtra and do not have electricity from MSEDCL.
- Also They can get solar pumps to water their crops. If they have less than 5 acres of land they can get a 3 HP pump.
- If they have more than 5 acres of land they can get a 5 HP pump. But they need to have water in their land.
- Farmers who already have electricity from MSEDCL cannot get solar pumps from this plan.
Benefits Of CM Saur Krushi Pump
The Maharashtra CM Saur Krushi Pump Scheme 2023 has several benefits for the farmers of Maharashtra, such as:
- Provides solar pumps for irrigation at a very low cost for the farmers and they only have to pay 10% of the total cost of the pumpsets and the rest is subsidized and payed by the government.
- Reduces the dependence on diesel and electricity pumps which are totally expensive and polluting to the nature .
- Uses day time power availability for agriculture pumping as the solar pumps work on solar energy.
- Minimizes the cross subsidy burden on commercial and industrial electricity consumers as the solar pumps do not use grid power.
- Increases the income and productivity of the farmers as they can irrigate their fields more efficiently and effectively.
What are some challenges or issues faced by solar water pump users?
Some of the challenges or issues faced by solar water pump users are:
- High initial cost of installation and maintenance
- Lack of awareness or knowledge about proper use and care of solar water pumps
- Frequent breakdowns or malfunctions due to weather conditions or technical faults
- Difficulty in accessing spare parts or service centers
- Competition from other sources of irrigation such as tube wells or sprinklers
How long will it take to get a pump?
The government has not yet announced the list of beneficiaries or the distribution schedule of pumps under this scheme. However, it is expected that it will take some time to verify and approve the applications and allot the pumps to the eligible farmers. The government may also conduct some awareness campaigns and training programs for farmers before distributing the pumps.
How can these challenges or issues be overcome?
Some of the possible ways to overcome these challenges or issues are:
- Providing subsidies or incentives for installation and maintenance costs
- Conducting regular awareness campaigns and training programs for farmers on how to use and maintain solar water pumps
- Ensuring quality control and warranty service for solar water pump products
- Establishing a network of service centers across rural areas
- Encouraging cooperation among different stakeholders such as government agencies, NGOs, private sector, etc.
Frequently asked questions:-
Q .What is the SAUR pump scheme in Maharashtra?
A .Maharashtra. The government will give 1,00,000 pumps that use sunlight to work. These pumps are cheaper and easier to use than pumps that use diesel or electricity. The farmers will save money and have less problems.
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