SHG List Assam Check in 2024 : Login & Download the list

In Assam, Self Help Groups (SHGs) are an important part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), which aims to improve the economic conditions of the rural population These groups empower individuals, especially women, through savings, financial literacy and micro enterprises. In Assam, NRLM has facilitated the formation of a significant number of SHGs, which are registered block wise and available online. The SHG list is a comprehensive data set containing information such as district names, new SHG members, revived SHG members and total number of SHG members in each district.

SHG List

The SHG List Assam is updated frequently and can be viewed by the public on the official website of NRLM. This transparency ensures that the progress of SHGs can be monitored and the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries. According to the latest statistics, there are a number of SHGs with all members in Assam, indicating active rural participation in these groups. SHGs play an important role in fostering self reliance and community development, contributing to the overall socio economic development of the country.

Assam Bhulekh Online 2024 : Land Record, Jamabandi

What are Benefits of the SHG List

  1. Empowerment of Women: The main goal is to empower women in rural areas by providing them with job opportunities.
  2. Skill Development: Women can enroll in various skill development programs to learn new skills and become more employable.
  3. Financial Independence: The program aims to make women financially stable and independent.
  4. Community Support: SHGs create a support system for women, where they can share knowledge and help each other.
  5. Poverty Reduction: By providing access to employment and self-employment opportunities, SHGs help in reducing poverty.
  6. Sustainable Livelihoods: The groups work towards creating sustainable livelihoods for their members.
  7. Education: Basic education is provided to women, which helps them manage their finances better and make informed decisions.

These benefits are part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission’s efforts to improve the standard of living in rural areas.

DistrictNew SHG MembersRevived SHG MembersTotal SHG Members
District ANumberNumberNumber
District BNumberNumberNumber
District CNumberNumberNumber

the process of checking the SHG list in Assam online.

  1. Visit the official NRLM website at to begin the process of checking the SHG list in Assam online.
  2. On the homepage, navigate to the section where you can select the state. Choose “Assam” from the list of available states.
  3. Once you’ve selected Assam, a new page will load, providing options specific to the state’s NRLM activities.
  4. From here, you need to choose the district where you’re interested in accessing the SHG list. Click on the district name from the provided options.
  5. After selecting the district, you’ll be prompted to choose the block name within that district. Choose the block that corresponds to your area of interest.
  6. Following the block selection, you’ll need to specify the Gram Panchayat. Select the Gram Panchayat name from the available options.
  7. Next, select the village name that you’re interested in. This step helps narrow down the search to specific villages within the chosen Gram Panchayat.
  8. Once you’ve selected the village, you’ll need to choose your preferred Self-Help Group (SHG) name from the list provided. This allows you to access the SHG list associated with that particular group.
  9. After selecting the SHG name, the list of Self-Help Groups associated with the chosen village and group name will appear on your screen.
  10. Review the SHG list that appears on your screen, which typically includes information about the groups, their members, and their activities. You can then proceed to access the relevant information you’re looking for.

Eligibility Criteria for SHG list

To be eligible for the Self-Help Group (SHG) list in Assam, here are the basic criteria:

  • The SHG must have been active for at least six months.
  • It should follow the Panchasutras, which are:
  • Regular meetings
  • Regular savings
  • Frequent inter-loaning among members
  • Timely repayment of loans
  • Up-to-date accounting records
  • For SHGs seeking bank loans, additional criteria include:
  • The SHG must be following the Panchasutra principles.
  • Even defunct SHGs can be eligible for credit if they are revived and remain active for a minimum of three months
  • They must be graded as per norms set by NABARD.
  • When Federations of SHGs come into existence, they can perform the grading to support the banks.

These are the general guidelines, but for specific details or any changes, it’s best to check with the Assam State Rural Livelihood Mission (ASRLM) or the Ministry of Rural Development.


1. What is an SGH?
An SGH, or Self-Help Group, is a community-based group where members support each other to solve their problems, often related to savings and loans.

2. How do I join an SGH?
To join an SGH, you can contact a local community organization or look for existing groups in your area and ask to become a member.

3. What are the benefits of joining an SGH?
Joining an SGH can help you save money, get loans, learn new skills, and get support from group members.

4. Can I start my own SGH?
Yes, you can start your own SGH by gathering a group of people who share similar interests and goals, and then setting up regular meetings to discuss and plan activities.

5. How does an SGH work?
An SGH works by having regular meetings where members contribute savings and discuss matters like giving loans to members, planning group activities, or sharing advice.

6. What happens if I can’t pay back a loan to the SGH?
If you can’t pay back a loan, the SGH will usually work with you to figure out a solution, like extending the loan period or adjusting payment amounts.

7. Are there rules in an SGH?
Yes, each SGH has its own set of rules that members agree upon, such as how much to save, how loans are given, and how meetings are conducted.

8. How does an SGH help the community?
SGHs help the community by encouraging savings, providing loans for small businesses or emergencies, and supporting members in times of need

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